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Offshore Wind Energy Substations pollute the ocean with 80-10 million gallons of discharge a day.
The offshore wind energy project, SouthCoast Wind, will build up to five offshore substations to cool down and convert the high-voltage AC cables to high-voltage DC cables. They use an open loop system that will draw up 8-10 million gallons of cold ocean water from deep in the ocean and discharge it back containing chlorinated bleach and warmed to almost 90 degrees.
34 million gallons of oils, coolants, and lubricants off our shores
The Revolution Wind Farm Environmental Impact Statement admits that the offshore wind energy projects in the Rhode Island and Massachusetts’ Wind Energy Lease Area will contain up to 34 million gallons of coolants, fuels, oils, and lubricants. This is three times more than the amount of oil spilled in the Exxon Valdez environmental disaster.
Linda Bonvie discusses the risks associated with the use of Sulfur Hexafluoride in offshore wind projects
Sulfur hexafluoride is 23,500 times more potent as a greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide and thousands of pounds will now be housed off the Atlantic coast in offshore wind energy projects.
Assessment of the Potential Health Effects from the Vineyard Wind Blade Failure
After the catastrophic blade failure, tons of debris fell into the ocean and dispersed for miles in the ocean. Pieces were found far afield, even in Little Compton, Rhode Island, over 20 miles away. Many more were never recovered. All of the chemicals that make up the blade will eventually find themselves in the marine ecosystem and will likely contaminate our food supply. The health risks are discussed in this analysis.
Offshore wind uses sulphur hexaflouride, a potent greenhouse gas.
Sulphur hexaflouride (SF6) is 23,500 times more potent than CO2 as a greenhouse gas. SF6 easily leaks from electrical switches and adds to climate warming effects. Offshore wind projects will house significant amounts of SF6 in the switch gears and offshore substations, in an environment vulnerable to strong winds and extreme weather.
Revolution Wind Record of Decision
The Record of Decision permitting the Revolution Wind Farm project admits that the “no action alternative” would be beter for the environment. In other words, the environmental would be better off without the project.
Climate Change will continue, unchanged, despite offshore wind projects.
BOEM admits the negative impacts of climate change will continue, unchanged, despite the addition of offshore wind to the US grid.
Vineyard Wind FEIS quote
BOEM admits they do not expect offshore wind projects will have a material effect on climate change, not just a single project, but even all of the planned projects, collectively.
Nature’s Solution to Climate Change
The International Monetary Fund presents an economic argument for protecting endangered whales.
NOAA Report on Commercial Fishing in RI
NOAA’s most recent summary of the economic value of fishing and fisheries in the United Stated divided by region for 2022.
FAB Member’s Letter of Resignation
Rich Hittinger resigns from the Fishermen’s Advisory Board to the CRMC. After a decade of service, he could no longer tolerate the CRMC’s disregard for the conflicts raised by the fishermen over the offshore wind developments.
What does the Environmental Impact Statement say about Fishing?
On page 3.9-83 of the Revolution Wind Environmental Impact Statement, the government admits that the Revolution Wind project will have major long-term adverse impacts on fishing.
The Elusive and Expensive Green Job
Furchtgott-Roth explains why green energy does not create the expected jobs in the US, and that green energy policies in the US inadvertently help China.
NOAA’s letter to BOEM warning that offshore wind projects will endanger the survival of the North Atlantic right whale species
Sean Hayes, PhD, NOAA’s Chief of Protected Species writes a letter to BOEM warning the Agency that offshore wind development could threaten the survival of the critically endangered North Atlantic right whale. This letter highlights that not just the construction, but the operation, during the entire lifespan, will also endanger whales.
The EPA issues a permit to Revolution Wind for Air Pollution
The construction of offshore wind projects emits significant amounts of greenhouse gases. The developer of Revolution Wind needed to special permit from the Environmental Protection Agency to exceed the normal limits of pollution.
BOEM approves Revolution Wind’s “Departure Request”
Few people realize that BOEM has released Ørsted, a multi-billion dollar foreign company, from any financial obligation to put aside funds for decommissioning within the first fifteen years of operation. What happens if they fail, become obsolete, or are determined to be harmful before that? Who will pay?
Stop Offshore Wind Slide Show
Martin Kits Van Heyningen presents evidence about the environmetal and economic cost of offshore wind development. He compares the cost to the alleged benefits of offshore wind.