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Brochure Lisa Quattrocki Knight Brochure Lisa Quattrocki Knight

Brochure: Offshore Wind and Human Health

Green Oceans presents the impacts of offshore wind energy on human health. Pollution from micro plastics, bisphenol A (BPA), heavy metals, forever chemicals (PFOAs), infrasound, electromagnetic radiation (EMFs) are all potentially harmful to human health. The industrialization of the pristine ocean, concerns about seafood safety, and the failure to protect marine mammals will all impact mental health as well.

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Brochure Lisa Quattrocki Knight Brochure Lisa Quattrocki Knight

Brochure: Offshore Wind and the Environment

Green Oceans presents the facts from environmental impact assessments about offshore wind energy’s impacts on the environment, including the truth about carbon dioxide replacement, marine habitat destruction, whale deaths, and the marine food chain. Green Oceans considers everything from primary productivity to climate change.

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Brochure Lisa Quattrocki Knight Brochure Lisa Quattrocki Knight

Brochure: Offshore Wind and the Economy

Offshore wind will harm the economy in Rhode Island by eliminating jobs in the fishing and tourism industries, depressing property values, raising electricity rates, and driving manufacturing out of the state. The number of jobs added by the offshore wind industry will NOT offset the number of jobs lost.

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