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Commentary, Bill Thompson, Green Oceans Lisa Quattrocki Knight Commentary, Bill Thompson, Green Oceans Lisa Quattrocki Knight

Commentary: Setting the Record Straight

A panel discussion held by a RI State Representative in Little Compton, offered information on the benefits of offshore wind, ignoring the many drawbacks to marine life, ocean health and NOAA’s granting of “Incidental Take Authorizations” as minimal disturbance to the whale population. The Q&A session of the evening did not allow for interactive discussion. The press maligned fisherman and environmental groups in the audience who had questions about the possible harmful effects of the turbines.

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Lisa Quattrocki Knight, Bill Thompson, Op Ed Lisa Quattrocki Knight Lisa Quattrocki Knight, Bill Thompson, Op Ed Lisa Quattrocki Knight

Commentary: A portrait of offshore wind companies

While we recognize the urgent need to address climate change, we must critically assess offshore wind farms' environmental and economic impacts, particularly in areas vital to oxygen production like the outer continental shelf. The involvement of major oil and gas companies in these projects, backed by substantial government subsidies, raises concerns about taxpayer costs, environmental degradation, and the long-term financial risks of decommissioning, with the potential for these projects to leave lasting damage to coastal waters ultimately.

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Commentary: Whales are dying–is there a link to offshore wind?

The recent surge in whale deaths along the Atlantic coast, coinciding with offshore wind surveys, raises concerns about a potential link. Yet, NOAA and wind companies are reluctant to investigate or acknowledge the possible impact of these activities. Despite the legal protections for marine mammals, offshore wind companies continue to request permits for actions that could harm thousands of marine species, while key agencies fail to release critical data, leaving the public in the dark about the full scope of the issue.

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Commentary: Questioning the Wisdom of Offshore Wind

“Desperate times often require desperate measures, but large-scale, unproven, and invasive measures, often cause unforeseen harm. The ocean’s finite and irreplaceable resources can disappear. Wind can dissipate. Once destroyed, uniquely productive habitats and breeding grounds that sustain life on earth may not return.”

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