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How do offshore wind projects affect property values: The Block Island wind farm as a test case
“Overall, the data indicates that Block Island experienced devalued assessments, depressed tax revenues, and markedly reduced resale market prices compared to other similar coastal communities and compared to the national home index predictions in a time frame that coincides with the construction of the Block Island Wind Farm.”
IRS Determination Letter for Green Oceans
This letter from the IRS verifies the 501©3 status for Green Oceans.
The Healing Power of Nature: Nurturing Well-Being Through a Connection with the Ocean
“Research consistently demonstrates that people who maintain a strong connection with coastal environments experience greater happiness, life satisfaction, and overall psychological health [3][4].”
Green Oceans refutes the Brown Climate Development Lab’s accusations.
“The debate around offshore wind development requires unbiased, rigorous analysis, not unfounded attacks aimed at silencing legitimate concerns.”
2017: An Unusual Year for Whales and Wind
In 2017, a total of seventeen North Atlantic right whales died. Unbeknownst to many, in 2017 Deepwater Wind (now Ørsted) also secured permission to disturb marine mammals—including 105 critically endangered North Atlantic right whales (NARW)—within Lease Area 0486.
NOAA’s Biological Opinion for the Revolution Wind Project
“The low reproductive rate of right whales is likely the result of several factors including nutrition (Fortune et al. 2013, Moore et al. 2021). Evidence also indicates that North Atlantic right whales are growing to shorter adult lengths than in earlier decades (Stewart et al. 2021) and are in poor body condition compared to southern right whales (Christiansen et al. 2020).”
Humpback Whale Deaths Correlate with Offshore Wind Seismic Surveys
The findings indicate that offshore wind seismic survey activity correlates with the increase in humpback whale deaths, even after the authors control for the effects of large cargo ship traffic.
Green Oceans Submits Comments to NOAA opposing the Incidental Take Requests for the Revolution Wind Project
Green Oceans submits comments to NOAA opposing the number of Incidental Take Requests to harm and harass marine mammals by the developers of the Revolution Wind project.
Green Oceans Submits Comments to NOAA on the Atlantic Shores Incidental Take Requests
Green Oceans submits comments to NOAA opposing the number of Incidental Takes requested by the Atlantic Shores project developers.
Green Oceans Submits Comments to BOEM on the draft North Atlantic right whale strategy
Eubanks and Associates submits comments on behalf of Green Oceans detailing the problems with the BOEM-NOAA joint strategy to protect North Atlantic right whale in conjunction with offshore wind development.
Green Oceans Submits Comments to BOEM on the Vineyard Wind Northeast Project
Green Oceans submits comments to BOEM detailing the environmental concerns and potential legal violations associated with the Vineyard Wind Northeast project.
Green Oceans Submits Comments to BOEM on the Beacon Wind Project
Green Oceans submits comments to BOEM describing environmental concerns about the Beacon Wind project.
Green Oceans submits comments to BOEM on the Gulf of Maine Offshore Wind Calling Area
Green Oceans submits comments to BOEM detailing the environmental concerns about developing the Gulf of Maine with offshore wind energy developments.
Green Oceans Submission to BOEM on the SouthCoast Wind Project
Green Oceans submits comments to BOEM detailing environmental concerns about the SouthCoast Wind project.
Green Oceans’ Submission to BOEM on the Sunrise Wind Project
Green Oceans’ submission to BOEM details the environmental risks associated with the Sunrise Wind project.
Green Oceans sends a letter to BOEM after the Vineyard Wind blade disaster
In light of the Vineyard Wind GE Vernova blade failure, Green Oceans sent a letter to BOEM requesting a supplemental EIS. We have never heard back.
Offshore Wind Energy’s Impact on Search and Rescue
“Nonetheless, the presence and layout of large numbers of WTGs [wind turbines] could make it more difficult for SAR [search and rescue] aircraft to perform operations (of people or marine mammals), leading to less effective search patters or early abandonment of searches. This could result in otherwise avoidable loss of life due to maritime incidents.” page 3.17-8.
SouthCoast Wind’s (formerly Mayflower Wind) effect on Radar
“The EWR screening analysis results show that wind turbines in the northern corner of the study area will be within line-of-sight of the Cape Cod AFS EWR at a blade-tip height of 808 feet AGL. At a blade-tip height of 1,067 feet AGL, wind turbines in the northern one-half of the study area will be within line-of-sight of this radar site. See Figure 5.
Research conducted by Westslope suggests that wind turbines in the study area within line-of-sight of the Cape Cod AFS EWR could have a significant impact on this early warning radar. [1]”
The Revolution Wind Project’s Effect on Radar.
“Research conducted by Westslope suggests that wind turbines in the study area within line-of-sight of the Cape Cod AFS EWR could have a significant impact on this early warning radar. [1] As such, Westslope recommends early consultation with the DoD Siting Clearinghouse.”
Green Oceans letter to the Rhode Island Energy Facilities Siting Board
The letter from Green Oceans to the RI Facilities Siting Board outlining the risk of jet plowing through the historically polluted West Passage.