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Green Oceans Submits Comments to BOEM on the draft North Atlantic right whale strategy
Eubanks and Associates submits comments on behalf of Green Oceans detailing the problems with the BOEM-NOAA joint strategy to protect North Atlantic right whale in conjunction with offshore wind development.
Green Oceans Submits Comments to BOEM on the Vineyard Wind Northeast Project
Green Oceans submits comments to BOEM detailing the environmental concerns and potential legal violations associated with the Vineyard Wind Northeast project.
Green Oceans Submits Comments to BOEM on the Beacon Wind Project
Green Oceans submits comments to BOEM describing environmental concerns about the Beacon Wind project.
Green Oceans submits comments to BOEM on the Gulf of Maine Offshore Wind Calling Area
Green Oceans submits comments to BOEM detailing the environmental concerns about developing the Gulf of Maine with offshore wind energy developments.
Green Oceans’ Submission to BOEM on the Sunrise Wind Project
Green Oceans’ submission to BOEM details the environmental risks associated with the Sunrise Wind project.
Revolution Wind Record of Decision
The Record of Decision permitting the Revolution Wind Farm project admits that the “no action alternative” would be beter for the environment. In other words, the environmental would be better off without the project.
Climate Change will continue, unchanged, despite offshore wind projects.
BOEM admits the negative impacts of climate change will continue, unchanged, despite the addition of offshore wind to the US grid.
Vineyard Wind FEIS quote
BOEM admits they do not expect offshore wind projects will have a material effect on climate change, not just a single project, but even all of the planned projects, collectively.
NOAA’s letter to BOEM warning that offshore wind projects will endanger the survival of the North Atlantic right whale species
Sean Hayes, PhD, NOAA’s Chief of Protected Species writes a letter to BOEM warning the Agency that offshore wind development could threaten the survival of the critically endangered North Atlantic right whale. This letter highlights that not just the construction, but the operation, during the entire lifespan, will also endanger whales.
BOEM approves Revolution Wind’s “Departure Request”
Few people realize that BOEM has released Ørsted, a multi-billion dollar foreign company, from any financial obligation to put aside funds for decommissioning within the first fifteen years of operation. What happens if they fail, become obsolete, or are determined to be harmful before that? Who will pay?
Will Offshore Wind Help Climate Change?
The Environmental Impact Statements fail to scientifically prove any benefits to climate change.
The new modernization rule that benefits offshore wind companies, not citizens or the environment
The new modernization rule relieves developers, a multi billion dollar foreign energy giants, from the requirement to set aside financial bonds for decommissioning until after fifteen years of operation.