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Letter Lisa Quattrocki Knight Letter Lisa Quattrocki Knight

FAB Member’s Letter of Resignation

Rich Hittinger resigns from the Fishermen’s Advisory Board to the CRMC. After a decade of service, he could no longer tolerate the CRMC’s disregard for the conflicts raised by the fishermen over the offshore wind developments.

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Letter, Government Document Lisa Quattrocki Knight Letter, Government Document Lisa Quattrocki Knight

NOAA’s letter to BOEM warning that offshore wind projects will endanger the survival of the North Atlantic right whale species

Sean Hayes, PhD, NOAA’s Chief of Protected Species writes a letter to BOEM warning the Agency that offshore wind development could threaten the survival of the critically endangered North Atlantic right whale. This letter highlights that not just the construction, but the operation, during the entire lifespan, will also endanger whales.

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