Our Information Archive

Commentary: Questioning the Wisdom of Offshore Wind

“Desperate times often require desperate measures, but large-scale, unproven, and invasive measures, often cause unforeseen harm. The ocean’s finite and irreplaceable resources can disappear. Wind can dissipate. Once destroyed, uniquely productive habitats and breeding grounds that sustain life on earth may not return.”

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Commentary: Whales are dying–is there a link to offshore wind?

“Killing endangered whales, even inadvertently, violates the Endangered Species Act and the Marine Mammal Protection Act. The offshore wind companies have recently requested multiple Incidental Take Requests (ITRs). If granted, these authorizations will permit the legal harassment of marine mammals, even to the point of death.”

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Commentary, Lisa Quattrocki Knight, Bill Thompson Lisa Quattrocki Knight Commentary, Lisa Quattrocki Knight, Bill Thompson Lisa Quattrocki Knight

Commentary: A portrait of offshore wind companies

The fossil-fuel companies have made billions of dollars constructing offshore wind projects in Europe. Their past oil and gas exploration provides the requisite expertise for this development. Because their business plan relies on constructing new projects, not electricity generation per se, they perpetually seek new markets. Our eastern seaboard constitutes an untapped frontier, open for business and ready for exploitation.”

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