Our Affiliates
Protect Our Westport Waters
Protect Our Westport Waters (POWW) is a community group focused on protecting Westport, MA from the high-voltage export cabling of industrial wind complexes being brought onshore and trenched through the length of our town.
High-voltage power cables emit electromagnetic fields (EMF) and are believed to disrupt marine ecosystems, most notably, preventing various marine species from following their natural migratory routes vital to feeding and reproduction. High levels of EMF are also believed to be harmful to humans.
National Offshore-Wind Opposition Alliance
The National offshore wind opposition alliance (NOOA) is a single-issue coalition made up of environmental, fishing, and community organizations as well as Tribal Nations. Our mission is to protect the oceans, the Great Lakes, and nearby communities from the negative impacts of industrialization by offshore-wind "farms" and the nearshore and onshore infrastructure necessary to support and deliver electricity to the grid. We work to educate the public, to mobilize affected communities, dialogue with government officials, engage the media, and strategically litigate to end the threat of offshore wind proliferation.