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News story, Climate Change, SF6 Lisa Quattrocki Knight News story, Climate Change, SF6 Lisa Quattrocki Knight

Offshore wind uses sulphur hexaflouride, a potent greenhouse gas.

Sulphur hexaflouride (SF6) is 23,500 times more potent than CO2 as a greenhouse gas. SF6 easily leaks from electrical switches and adds to climate warming effects. Offshore wind projects will house significant amounts of SF6 in the switch gears and offshore substations, in an environment vulnerable to strong winds and extreme weather.

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Letter, Government Document Lisa Quattrocki Knight Letter, Government Document Lisa Quattrocki Knight

NOAA’s letter to BOEM warning that offshore wind projects will endanger the survival of the North Atlantic right whale species

Sean Hayes, PhD, NOAA’s Chief of Protected Species writes a letter to BOEM warning the Agency that offshore wind development could threaten the survival of the critically endangered North Atlantic right whale. This letter highlights that not just the construction, but the operation, during the entire lifespan, will also endanger whales.

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Lisa Quattrocki Knight Lisa Quattrocki Knight

Brochure: Offshore Wind and Human Health

Green Oceans presents the impacts of offshore wind energy on human health. Pollution from micro plastics, bisphenol A (BPA), heavy metals, forever chemicals (PFOAs), infrasound, electromagnetic radiation (EMFs) are all potentially harmful to human health. The industrialization of the pristine ocean, concerns about seafood safety, and the failure to protect marine mammals will all impact mental health as well.

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Brochure Lisa Quattrocki Knight Brochure Lisa Quattrocki Knight

Brochure: Offshore Wind and the Environment

Green Oceans presents the facts from environmental impact assessments about offshore wind energy’s impacts on the environment, including the truth about carbon dioxide replacement, marine habitat destruction, whale deaths, and the marine food chain. Green Oceans considers everything from primary productivity to climate change.

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Commentary: Questioning the Wisdom of Offshore Wind

“Desperate times often require desperate measures, but large-scale, unproven, and invasive measures, often cause unforeseen harm. The ocean’s finite and irreplaceable resources can disappear. Wind can dissipate. Once destroyed, uniquely productive habitats and breeding grounds that sustain life on earth may not return.”

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Commentary: Whales are dying–is there a link to offshore wind?

“Killing endangered whales, even inadvertently, violates the Endangered Species Act and the Marine Mammal Protection Act. The offshore wind companies have recently requested multiple Incidental Take Requests (ITRs). If granted, these authorizations will permit the legal harassment of marine mammals, even to the point of death.”

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