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NOAA’s Biological Opinion for the Revolution Wind Project
“The low reproductive rate of right whales is likely the result of several factors including nutrition (Fortune et al. 2013, Moore et al. 2021). Evidence also indicates that North Atlantic right whales are growing to shorter adult lengths than in earlier decades (Stewart et al. 2021) and are in poor body condition compared to southern right whales (Christiansen et al. 2020).”
Direct hearing measurements in baleen whales suggest ultrasonic sensitivity
Direct hearing measurements suggest that baleen whales are sensitive to sounds not previously recognized. This could make them more vulnerable to sounds emitted by offshore wind activity.
Brochure: Offshore Wind and Human Health
Green Oceans presents the impacts of offshore wind energy on human health. Pollution from micro plastics, bisphenol A (BPA), heavy metals, forever chemicals (PFOAs), infrasound, electromagnetic radiation (EMFs) are all potentially harmful to human health. The industrialization of the pristine ocean, concerns about seafood safety, and the failure to protect marine mammals will all impact mental health as well.