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Vineyard Wind FEIS quote
BOEM admits they do not expect offshore wind projects will have a material effect on climate change, not just a single project, but even all of the planned projects, collectively.
Big Oil wants to be Big Wind
Can we trust the big oil companies just because they now want to build offshore wind?
Ørsted’s fact sheet on Revolution Wind never claims to help combat climate change.
Ørsted makes claims about providing for our energy needs, but never states the offshore wind project will help climate change. Ørsted boasts that the wind energy will offset future emissions, but empirical evidence does not support this claim.
Green Oceans White Paper
Green Oceans has conducted an extensive literature reveiw detailed in this document. We present information, facts, and evidence from peer reviewed journal articles and the government’s own environmental impact statements to assess the impact of offshore wind farms on the environment, biodiversity, the marine ecosystem, the economy, human health, and climate change.
Commentary: We should think twice before short-circuiting our environmental protection laws.
A majority of citizens support urgent action on climate change, but the current plan to industrialize 22 million acres of the Atlantic Ocean with wind turbines contradicts both President Biden’s executive order and environmental laws. The plan lacks sufficient evidence of safety or efficacy, risks biodiversity loss, and could exacerbate the crisis instead of addressing it. NOAA’s authorization for offshore wind companies to harass endangered North Atlantic right whales jeopardizes their survival, directly undermining the Endangered Species Act and Marine Mammal Protection Act.
Harmful effects of the micro plastic pollution on animal health: a literature review
A review of scientific literature highlights the effects of microplastic pollution, focusing on environmental contamination, human uptake, and animal health impacts. Numerous studies show microplastics harm aquatic organisms. Invertebrates experience reduced feeding, fertility, slowed growth, increased oxygen consumption, and oxidative stress. Fish suffer structural damage to organs, behavioral changes, and fertility issues, with severity depending on particle size, dose, and exposure. The review concludes that microplastics pollute the seas and harm aquatic health.
Offshore Wind Energy and the Mid-Atlantic Cold Pool: A Review of Potential Interactions
The U.S. East Coast has leased 1.7 million acres for offshore wind energy development, potentially impacting the oceanographic conditions of the Atlantic continental shelf, including the Cold Pool—a critical area for fisheries. This paper reviews existing research on how wind farms may affect the Cold Pool’s stratification, which could disrupt the region's marine ecosystems and fisheries, highlighting the need for further study on how wind energy installations interact with these processes.
Could federal wind farms influence continental shelf oceanography and alter associated ecological processes? A literature review.
The report examines how offshore wind farms could impact the Mid-Atlantic Bight Cold Pool by altering ocean stratification and dynamics, potentially disrupting critical marine ecosystems and fisheries, and emphasizes the need for targeted research on these interactions.