Our Information Archive

Offshore Wind Energy’s Impact on Search and Rescue

“Nonetheless, the presence and layout of large numbers of WTGs [wind turbines] could make it more difficult for SAR [search and rescue] aircraft to perform operations (of people or marine mammals), leading to less effective search patters or early abandonment of searches. This could result in otherwise avoidable loss of life due to maritime incidents.” page 3.17-8.

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SouthCoast Wind’s (formerly Mayflower Wind) effect on Radar

“The EWR screening analysis results show that wind turbines in the northern corner of the study area will be within line-of-sight of the Cape Cod AFS EWR at a blade-tip height of 808 feet AGL. At a blade-tip height of 1,067 feet AGL, wind turbines in the northern one-half of the study area will be within line-of-sight of this radar site. See Figure 5.

Research conducted by Westslope suggests that wind turbines in the study area within line-of-sight of the Cape Cod AFS EWR could have a significant impact on this early warning radar. [1]”

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The Revolution Wind Project’s Effect on Radar.

“Research conducted by Westslope suggests that wind turbines in the study area within line-of-sight of the Cape Cod AFS EWR could have a significant impact on this early warning radar. [1] As such, Westslope recommends early consultation with the DoD Siting Clearinghouse.”

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Offshore Wind Energy Substations pollute the ocean with 80-10 million gallons of discharge a day.

The offshore wind energy project, SouthCoast Wind, will build up to five offshore substations to cool down and convert the high-voltage AC cables to high-voltage DC cables. They use an open loop system that will draw up 8-10 million gallons of cold ocean water from deep in the ocean and discharge it back containing chlorinated bleach and warmed to almost 90 degrees.

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News story, Climate Change, SF6 Lisa Quattrocki Knight News story, Climate Change, SF6 Lisa Quattrocki Knight

Offshore wind uses sulphur hexaflouride, a potent greenhouse gas.

Sulphur hexaflouride (SF6) is 23,500 times more potent than CO2 as a greenhouse gas. SF6 easily leaks from electrical switches and adds to climate warming effects. Offshore wind projects will house significant amounts of SF6 in the switch gears and offshore substations, in an environment vulnerable to strong winds and extreme weather.

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Letter, Government Document Lisa Quattrocki Knight Letter, Government Document Lisa Quattrocki Knight

NOAA’s letter to BOEM warning that offshore wind projects will endanger the survival of the North Atlantic right whale species

Sean Hayes, PhD, NOAA’s Chief of Protected Species writes a letter to BOEM warning the Agency that offshore wind development could threaten the survival of the critically endangered North Atlantic right whale. This letter highlights that not just the construction, but the operation, during the entire lifespan, will also endanger whales.

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Scientific Report Lisa Quattrocki Knight Scientific Report Lisa Quattrocki Knight

Green Oceans White Paper

Green Oceans has conducted an extensive literature reveiw detailed in this document. We present information, facts, and evidence from peer reviewed journal articles and the government’s own environmental impact statements to assess the impact of offshore wind farms on the environment, biodiversity, the marine ecosystem, the economy, human health, and climate change.

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Lisa Quattrocki Knight Lisa Quattrocki Knight

Brochure: General Information about Offshore Wind

According to the environmental impact assessments, offshore wind projects produce more harm than good. Green Oceans presents facts from these government documents and peer reviewed scientific articles on the benefits and costs, both environmental and economic, of offshore wind energy.

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Commentary, Bill Thompson, Green Oceans Lisa Quattrocki Knight Commentary, Bill Thompson, Green Oceans Lisa Quattrocki Knight

Commentary: Setting the Record Straight

A panel discussion held by a RI State Representative in Little Compton, offered information on the benefits of offshore wind, ignoring the many drawbacks to marine life, ocean health and NOAA’s granting of “Incidental Take Authorizations” as minimal disturbance to the whale population. The Q&A session of the evening did not allow for interactive discussion. The press maligned fisherman and environmental groups in the audience who had questions about the possible harmful effects of the turbines.

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Commentary Lisa Quattrocki Knight Commentary Lisa Quattrocki Knight

Commentary: Will offshore wind help our problem with sea level rise?

The BOEM knows that offshore wind developments alter critial ocean dynamics. A report requested by the BOEM states that offshore wind developments, off the coast of RI and MA, will extract kinetic energy from the wind (thus reducing wind speeds), will decrease wave heights and slow ocean currents which actually contributes to sea level rise in the North East.

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Brochure Lisa Quattrocki Knight Brochure Lisa Quattrocki Knight

Brochure: Offshore Wind and Human Health

Green Oceans presents the impacts of offshore wind energy on human health. Pollution from micro plastics, bisphenol A (BPA), heavy metals, forever chemicals (PFOAs), infrasound, electromagnetic radiation (EMFs) are all potentially harmful to human health. The industrialization of the pristine ocean, concerns about seafood safety, and the failure to protect marine mammals will all impact mental health as well.

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Brochure Lisa Quattrocki Knight Brochure Lisa Quattrocki Knight

Brochure: Offshore Wind and the Environment

Green Oceans presents the facts from environmental impact assessments about offshore wind energy’s impacts on the environment, including the truth about carbon dioxide replacement, marine habitat destruction, whale deaths, and the marine food chain. Green Oceans considers everything from primary productivity to climate change.

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