
Samantha Snow Samantha Snow

An Evening with Robert Bryce

Nuclear Energy, Hydrocarbons, and Alternative Energy sources. Which one of these is truly green, and sustainable? Find out what energy expert Robert Bryce thinks about the subject in this 2 hour presentation hosted by Green Oceans and friends.

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Submit your letter to the RI DEM: March 7th Deadline

Last Thursday, February 22nd, offshore wind developer SouthCoast Wind and RI Department of Environmental Management (RI DEM) held a hearing in Portsmouth to solicit comments from the public on a permit application to dredge the Sakonnet River and Mount Hope Bay to install, operate, and maintain two underwater 345,000 high voltage power export cables—each 20.4 miles long.

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Whales and Empathy

Whales and dolphins have captured our imagination since biblical times. The epic battle between Moby Dick and the maniacal Ahab lives on forever as a powerful story of a whale’s ability to occupy our minds and influence our behavior.

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Offshore wind: Think twice before short-circuiting environmental

A majority of citizens agree with the goal to fight climate change and the urgency to act now. However, the country does not share a unified vision of how we should wage this battle.

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